Highway to the Exclusion Zone

Directed by: Deborah Ruiz


Hello Delegates!

My name is Deborah Ruiz, and I will be your director for Highway to the Exclusion Zone; the Area 51 Raid 2019. I am a second year student in Florida International University studying psychology with a particular interest in social psychology in revolutionary movements. I have only participated in Model UN for the last academic year, but have had the honor to travel to several conferences with the FIU MUN program. For this next year, I am even more honored to take up the mantle of Head of Research on the program’s executive board.

I am so excited to have the opportunity to work with you all! While this may be a more light hearted committee topic, I hope you all come to committee well researched and prepared to hit the ground running. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at gatormun@gmail.com. I cannot wait to meet you all and have a great GatorMUN!

Highway to the Exclusion Zone: The Area 51 Raid, 2019

The Area 51 Raid, 2019:

Link to Background Guide

Coming Soon...

While 2019 seems many lifetimes ago, many– myself included– remember the buzz around the Area 51 Raid. Born from a facebook event, the creator urged people to come and storm Area 51 on September 20th, 2019 with lines such as “they can’t stop us all.” Screenshots of this event circulated around for weeks as many people pledged their attendance to finally view what secrets Area 51’s hallowed halls held. More posts and events spawned from this, including countless brands backing the movement and a music festival being put together. As the date came around, hundreds flooded to the town surrounding Area 51. From celebrities, news stations, and regular internet users, for a moment, everyone was connected in this moment of commitment to a bit. What compelled so many people from every corner of North America to make the flight or the car drive to Nevada for an event that was never intended as a serious invitation? This event piqued my interest. I watched in live time as the government, both federal and local, had to respond to this influx of interest in Area 51; I watched as celebrities threw their hats behind the movement; I watched as musical festivals sprung from the soil and money flooded into the pockets of brands and organizations like gushing springs– all because of a viral facebook event. This committee takes place a week before the raid, September 13th, 2019. Delegates, taking the position of local and federal government representatives, internet celebrities, and festival organizers will be tasked to oversee the Area 51 raid. Whether it be to try and dismantle the raid or to strum together a militia to attack Area 51, delegates will be asked to reach across the aisle to try and find support from as many people as possible.