Nasa's Artemis Project

Directed by: Cosette Lipscomb

Nasa's Artemis Project


Cosette Lipscomb is a sophomore majoring in Marine Biology. She is from North Fort Myers, Florida but has lived all around the world. She is an avid Scuba diver and currently has her Divemaster certification. Even though she loves marine life, Cosette has been interested in space her whole life, even going to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama for 8 years straight. This has led her to enjoy much of space history, and she continues to follow current news regarding extraterrestrial exploration.

This is Cosetteā€™s first time directing a committee and is very excited to see all of the ideas the delegates will have for the future of space exploration. She is very excited to start being more involved on her MUN team, and hopes that she will inspire others to improve and become the best delegates they can be. Outside of Model UN, Cosette can be seen writing for the school newspaper, building legos, cosplaying, listening to music, or spending time with her friends.

Nasa's Artemis Project:

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, created the Artemis program in 2017 in order to send astronauts back to the moon, and eventually Mars for the benefit of scientific discovery, economic benefits, and for the inspiration of future generations. This committee will take place in the year 2030, which is a couple years after NASA is planning on sending manned missions to orbit around the Moon. During the year 2028, NASA is projected to have completed the building of the Gateway lunar space station. During 2030, astronauts should already have landed on the moon, and have successfully built and lived in this lunar station. The next step in this mission will be to successfully send astronauts to Mars.

However, there are complications that NASA has faced during these times, making the importance of human life on Mars more impactful. Other countries have started to build their own rockets and have created their own agenda in order to send their own astronauts to the moon. Delegates will have to work together in order to send the first American astronauts to Mars, and to continue winning the modern age space race.