Directed by:
Noelle Morey
Juliana Perez
UNcovered: The Office of Internal Oversight Services Joint Specialized Agency
Noelle Morey is a third year Environmental Science major with a minor in Communications and a concentration in Policy, Law, and Regulation. Since her start in Model UN in 2018, Noelle has come to love the intricacies of general assembly committees and is excited to dive deeper into the world of specialized agencies at this year’s GatorMUN. Beyond serving as the Director of Conference Logistics for UFMUN, Noelle teaches new Gators through the First Year Florida program, works at Student Activities and Involvement as a Student Engagement Ambassador, and conducts independent research with the UF Dial Center for Written and Oral Communications. Year after year, Noelle’s favorite part of the GatorMUN experience is, without fail, engaging with the delegates. She looks forward to meeting you all and making this GatorMUN one to remember for years to come!
Julianna Perez is a third-year Journalism major at Florida Gulf Coast University pursuing her degree with a concentration in Public Relations. Her start in Model United Nations took place in 2021 when she served as a Press Corps delegate & director. Since then, she has turned her passion for press into a prospective career; in serving as a staff writer for her university’s student publication & a correspondent for the Ave Maria Sun, Julianna has taken her MUN skills out of committee rooms and into the field. As she prepares for her second year of staffing GatorMUN and her third year at the conference overall, Julianna cannot wait to bring the GatorMUN press corps to the next level with all of you!
The Office of Internal Oversight Services Joint Specialized Agency:
Link to Background Guide
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