Directed by: Gustavo Tersoni

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)


Gustavo Tersoni is a junior Aerospace and Mechanical engineering double major at the University of Florida. He has been engaging in MUN since his junior year of high school. He has helped staff MUN conferences at both UF and UCF since his freshman year in college.

In addition to Model United Nations, he loves soccer, ping pong, board games and Mminecraft. He was born in Brazil and moved to the U.S. when he was 11 years old. He’s very passionate about space and is looking forward to seeing how the delegates collaborate to solve issues within space affairs.

committee Topic A:

committee Topic B:

Regulation of Space Resources and Settlement

Space Security and International Cooperation

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs:

Link to Background Guide

Coming Soon...

This committee takes place in the year 2050, where humanity stands on the threshold of revolutionary advancements in space utilization and exploration. As representatives of your countries in the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), you must address the several challenges and opportunities that arise from humanity’s growing presence in outer space. You must work together to formulate a modernized Outer Space Treaty that takes all the recent space advancements into consideration.

In this committee you will aim to ensure the peaceful use of space, promote global collaboration and establish comprehensive regulation to oversee activities beyond our planet. While taking your positions into account, you should reflect on questions such as: What would your country do in this situation? What are existing international treaties and agreements in relation to space activities and how do they impact my country’s space policies? As a United Nations committee, it is your job as a delegate to come up with diplomatic ways to deal with the recent growth of space exploration and affairs.